Moringa loose leaf tea is not only rich in protein
containing all essential amino acids, it is a highly concentrated source of
calcium, chlorophyll, iron, Vitamin K, fiber, vitamin B-12, vitamin B, and
Evident that there are many benefits to tea, its high
content of antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, scavenge forcell-damaging free radicals in the body and detoxify. Polyphenols are also
known for their cancer-fighting effects and ability to protect.
In addition, tea antioxidants, protect your body from the
ravages of aging and the effects of pollution. Boosting the immune system and
strengthening teeth and bones. Aging successfully is the concept that although
we cannot stop the sands of time and its subsequent effects, what we can be is
proactive in our determination to do so in a wonderful process.
Assisting in digestion, the essential oils in the tea can
even spur weight loss; holding zero calories unless milk or sweetener is added,
it is the perfect satisfying beverage choice. Moringa loose leaf tea has shown
to increase metabolic rate and, by drinking 5 cups a day, can result in burning
an additional 70-80 calories. That’s 8 pounds in over one year’s time simply by
choosing to drink tea! Also aiding in blocking LDL (bad) cholesterol, itincreases HDL (good) cholesterol improving artery function. Not to mention tea
is a great way to relax, with health promoting substances for the heart, body
and mind.
Keep in mind, three cups of tea a day contains eight times
the antioxidants of one apple; enjoying a few cups a day will keep the doctor